Monday, May 3, 2010
Spring Planting Progress
This spring has gone remarkably well for platning. I saw a communication from the beet plant the other day saying that 2010 planting is complete, which is much better than last year at this time.
I checked the USDA Agricultural Statistics Service data, and it appears that most crops are ahead of schedule as compared to last year. As of May 3, it said that 97 percent of Minnesota's sugar beet acres were planted; while just 19 percent were planted last year at this time. The five year average for sugar beets is about 44 percent through April.
Likewise, about 87 percent of corn acres were planted; as compared to only 56 percent last year and 41 percent for the five year average. Nine percent of corn is already emerged, compared to 1 percent each of the last five years.
Only about 19 percent of soybeans are planted, but that is also way ahead of schedule in comparison to the last five years. In contrast, nearly 100 percent of oats, barley, and spring wheat are already planted.
If the weather continues to cooperate, this should be a good crop year.